• Outbound


Experience USA East Coast

Best places to visit on the East Coast of the United States 🇺🇸 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Baltimore, Virginia, New York, Washington D.C. Experience U.S. East Coast, rolls out adventures from the Atlantic to the mighty Mississippi River.

Philadelphia, Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Philadelphia, Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay

Amid New York's iconic landmarks and towering skyscrapers, a vibrant culture permeating each of the city's distinctive neighborhoods and boroughs. With its marbled monuments and high-profile politicos, Washington DC has long been saddled with a reputation as a stuffy government-driven town. Don’t forget to explore the state’s pivotal role in American history at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall and on Gettysburg’s battlefields.

⭐ From VND 81,000,000 per person
⭐ Departure: Monthly
⭐ Tour 10 days ✈ Flight with 5-Star Airlines

Philadelphia Skyline © Stock Photo ID 635416073

Philadelphia Skyline © Stock Photo ID 635416073

• 3 or 4-star hotels in the centers of major cities
• Tip for Tour Guides and Local Drivers
• Enthusiastic and experienced tour guide
• Diverse menu of Asian and European cuisine
• Travel insurance

📨 booking@thienxuantravel.com
📞+84 888 890 898 – 0938 558 228
🔖 #thienxuantravel #usatravel #newyork #washington

Read more: Trải nghiệm bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ

Independence Hall, Philadelphia © Stock Photo ID 276721013

Independence Hall, Philadelphia © Stock Photo ID 276721013

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